Standard number: DS-19
Date issued: 7/1/2018
Date last reviewed: 7/1/2018
Date of next review: 6/30/2024
Version: 1.0
Approval authority: Vice President for Information Technology and CIO
Responsible office: Information Assurance
This Standard supports and supplements the Information Security (SPG 601.27) policy. It will be periodically reviewed and updated as necessary to meet emerging threats, changes in legal and regulatory requirements, and technological advances.
In order to appropriately protect U-M information and systems, as well as support other information and system operation functions, it is necessary for campus units to appropriately generate, store, and analyze logs that record events occurring within U-M systems and networks. Security software, operating system, and application log data are critical components in detecting, analyzing, preventing, and responding to potential information security incidents including unauthorized data disclosures, and activities on U-M systems.
The key objectives of this Standard are to:
Other federal or state regulations or contractual agreements may require additional actions that exceed those included in this Standard.
This standard applies to the Ann Arbor campus, Michigan Medicine, UM-Dearborn, UM-Flint, all affiliates, and all faculty, staff, workforce members, and sponsored affiliates. It further applies to
Security logs are records of events occurring within the university’s systems and networks. A security log captures information associated with information security-related events.
Specifically, security logs:
Examples of security software logs include (non-exhaustive): Antivirus; intrusion prevention system; vulnerability management; authentication servers; firewalls; routers.
Examples of operating systems and application logs include (non-exhaustive): System events; audit records.
Security logs, which capture information associated with security events and may contain personally identifiable information about the users of information resources, are a type of IT security information and are classified as High data.
Logging must be enabled at the operating system, application and database, and device levels when data classified as Restricted, High, and Moderate are created, processed, maintained, transmitted, or stored. It is recommended that logging is enabled for systems, applications, and databases that maintain data classified as Low.
Individual faculty members that maintain student records (FERPA data) on their own devices, whether or not university-maintained, are exempt from this requirement.
All log data for systems, devices, and applications must be collected and stored as outlined below and summarized in Table 1, as well as in the more detailed guidance and procedures on Safe Computing in Security Log Management.
Category | Restricted | High | Moderate | Low |
How long to retain log data | 1 year (PCI); 180 days for all other data | 3 years (HIPAA data maintained by Michigan Medicine); 180 days (all other units); 180 days for all other data | 90 days (where feasible) | Not Required |
Logging enabled (except endpoints) | Required | Required | Required | Recommended |
Endpoint Logging (workstation, desktop) | Required | Recommended | Recommended | Recommended |
Automated Logging Failure Alerts | Required | Required | Recommended | Recommended |
Local logs to be sent to IA log management infrastructure | Required | Required | Recommended | Recommended |
Maximum allowed delay of transfer of log data to IA log management infrastructure | 5 minutes | 30 minutes |
Security logs may contain personally identifiable information (PII) about individual users of U-M information resources.
The university is committed to ensuring the privacy of its community members’ personally identifiable information (PII). Privacy and the Need to Monitor and Access Records (SPG 601.11) establishes general standards for accessing and monitoring all types of university records. Security logs are considered business records as defined in the policy.
U-M faculty, staff, and workforce members that have job-related access to security logs, network monitoring tools, or location data are responsible to:
Further, security logs will generally be used for their intended purpose described above. The university will not routinely use security logs to:
However, in the event of a declared health or safety emergency, the Chief Information Security Officer or a delegated authority, in consultation with the University Privacy Officer or delegated authority, and OGC may authorize accessing PII contained in security logs in accordance with provisions of SPG 601.11.
In some cases, the university may be compelled by law, such as a court order, subpoena, or Freedom of Information Act request, to retain or release information contained in security logs. All such releases must be coordinated by IA and OGC.
For legal and operational purposes, the university has adopted the following minimum security log retention schedule. Security logs of systems and applications that create, process, maintain, transmit, or store university information classified as Restricted to Moderate must be retained by units that generate the logs as follows.
Security logs must be maintained in a format that allows them to be immediately available for 90 days. After 90 days, logs can be archived or stored remotely with the ability to make them available within 10 business days after a request is received.
Security logs that no longer need to be retained should be disposed of by following the procedures detailed in Securely Dispose of U-M Data and Devices.
Violations of this Standard may result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension or revocation of computer accounts and access to networks, non-reappointment, discharge, dismissal, and/or legal action. In addition, the connectivity of machines and servers to the U-M network that do not comply with this Standard may be limited or disconnected.
Discipline (SPG 201.12) provides for staff member disciplinary procedures and sanctions. Violations of this policy by faculty may result in appropriate sanction or disciplinary action consistent with applicable university procedures. If dismissal or demotion of qualified faculty is proposed, the matter will be addressed in accordance with the procedures set forth in Regents Bylaw 5.09. In addition to U-M disciplinary actions, individuals may be personally subject to criminal or civil prosecution and sanctions if they engage in unlawful behavior related to applicable federal and state laws.
Any U-M department or unit found to have violated this policy may be held accountable for the financial penalties, legal fees, and other remediation costs associated with a resulting information security incident and other regulatory non-compliance.
Information Assurance is responsible for the implementation, maintenance, and interpretation of this Standard.