design jobs in organizations. This review explores with the variety of literature support the relationship of variables with respect to job design. To extend and facilitate further studies contextually and empirically, a mind-map is presented to show how these relationship variables relate to job design. This would enhance the studies related to job design in particular. Keywords: Job Design, Variables, Relationship, Mind-map

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Journal of Management Development

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Industrial Relations Journal

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The purpose of this study is to find out the factors that affect employee satisfaction and how much is the intensity. Specifically, we took Working conditions, pay & promotion, Job safety and security, Training and development and employee empowerment as the antecedents to see their impact on employee satisfaction and further the impact of employee satisfaction on Job performance and employee turnover intention. This can help us to better understand about the satisfaction level of employees and how we can motivate employees to perform their job efficiently and effectively. The Sample was collected from different organizations of Bahawalpur City (Punjab, Pakistan). Two main clusters were targeted to collect the sample data university employees and some private organizations in the city. The questionnaire was distributed among 200 respondents in Bahawalpur City. 155 questionnaires were selected and 98 rests of the questionnaires were not included in the further analysis due to incomplete or invalid responses. The survey study addresses two major purposes; first is to analyze the relationship of different variables with employee satisfaction, second to collect information about the different characteristics. After collecting the completed questionnaires, these questionnaires were coded and entered into SPSS sheet and the hypothesis was tested using regression analysis. Result of our study show significant relationship of working conditions, Job Safety and security, Training and Development and Employee Empowerment on Employee Satisfaction and Job Performance. However, Pay and promotion has no significant relation with Job Performance. Employee Satisfaction has a significant negative relation with turnover intention.

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This summary commentary explores the likely future directions of research and theory on the design of organizational work. We give special attention to the social aspects of contemporary work, the process by which jobholders craft their own jobs, the changing contexts within which work is performed, and the increasing prominence of work that is performed by teams rather than individuals.

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